Follow Friday (aka Blogroll)

[OMG what is it with me forgetting to queue up my Friday Faves??? Is it because it’s a weekend? Do I just cease to function after noon on Thursday? Because with school starting next week, that’s gonna be a problem for me! Anyway, sorry I’m late! Here’s a post!]

I love my little blogging family. You all have been so kind and supportive to me while I’ve been a total wreck-and-a-half. This week, you are all my faves, and I’ve included links!

I wish I could link to every one of your blogs, but it would take me literally months to write that post. So, here are ten of my favorite blogs and bloggers that I’ve been reading, lately. If you’re not up here, I still love you and I will definitely get to you. In alphabetical order (because I’d hate for anyone to think I was ranking them):

  • Butch and Brat. I’ve been reading Butch’s blog pretty much since I started blogging on WordPress, back when I used my real name and showed my face and all that stuff. She’s an amazing person who has lived, and continues to live, an incredibly interesting life. She blogs about her life as a bisexual butch, dealing with mental illness, and living with a traumatic brain injury. She doesn’t update frequently, but when she does it’s worth paying damn close attention to.
  • Damn, Girl! Get Your Shit Together! I’ve linked to DGGYST in the past, but her blog is so funny, relatable, and helpful that it’s worth linking to again. She tackles tough topics with humor and flair. I look forward to her posts every week. (She also has a secondary blog called Insomnia Girl that is much shorter, but also hilarious.)
  • Fatty McCupcakes. Another hilarious blogger who’s posts I wait for with bated breath. I don’t think I’ve ever related so well to a blog, to the point that I’m never sure whether to laugh or cry at how accurate it is. One thing’s for sure: It’s never a dull ride!
  • Heathen Embers. A personal blog about living life as a Heathen in the modern world. Posts range from informative and introspective, to snarky and hilarious. That’s my favorite kind of blog; a blog where I can get everything.
  • Hestia’s Servant. A devoted Hearth Keeper and follower of the goddess Hestia, I have learned so much from this woman in such a short amount of time. She has always been kind, honest, welcoming, funny… I started following her right about the time she’d just gotten back into blogging and I’m sooooo happy she’s back into blogging!
  • The Incurable Dreamer. A funny, thought-provoking blog about life as a dreamer. Tanya is witty, insightful, and just an overall sweetheart of a human being. She’s also one hell of a writer!
  • Mangled Flowers. Melissa is the sweetest girl I’ve never actually met. She writes about mental health, eating disorder recovery, body image, poetry… and she does so in a way that is moving and incredibly personal.
  • Marjorie’s Forgeries. This blog, a collection of tales and tidbits from a gay leather shop in Houston, is definitely not safe for work. It is hilarious, though. The combination of usual retail fuckery, drunk gay men, and a room full of sex gear makes for a damn interesting read with every post.
  • Only Fragments. Only Fragments is (mostly) a writing blog focusing on short fiction in a dark/fantasy genre, but also posts personal entries, prayers to the goddesses she (they? Please correct me in the comments) worships, funny/interesting moments from D&D campaigns… Everything is always beautifully, poignantly written. This is the kind of writing I aspire to.
  • Sadie Wolf. Sadie has been an unending source of support for me with this blog. A fellow writer, (aspiring?) minimalist, and just generally awesome person, Sadie’s blog is an eloquently written personal journey of self-discovery. I’ve been trying to catch up on back posts because I thought I’d followed her months and months ago, but the WordPress app is non-functional, so it never actually followed her.

Everyone on that list is an absolute masterpiece of human existence. If you aren’t already, you should definitely check them out and give them a follow.

I love you all.

Let’s keep in touch! Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest!

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25 thoughts on “Follow Friday (aka Blogroll)

  1. Oooh you have so many good’uns. I only knew Fatty McCupcakes from that list, but if they are all as good as her, then your blogging friend group is epic! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  2. OMG!! This just made my whole damn weekend! You are so amazing and thoughtful and awesome! Thank you for your kind words! I really need to check out these fabulous people! Those I know from this list are exactly as you say!! ❤️❤️
    (Jeezus. I need to put down the exclamation mark.)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh wow!! Thanks, darling! What a pleasant surprise it was to discover this post!! Thank you, thank you. It truly means a whole lot that you enjoy my blog enough to share it with others. I am looking forward to checking out the other blogs you have listed! This blog world truly is a magical place to be! Thanks, again! xo

    Liked by 1 person

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